Course Catalog

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • How do I take a course?

    Click on the course to find out more about the content within it. If the course is right for you, simply click the button "Get started now" to take the course which will prompt you to create an account with Thinkific or sign into your already created account and get started! We recommend you bookmark the page for easy access.

  • How long are the courses?

    Our courses are between 30 minutes and 5 hours long. The mini courses are around 30 minutes and the FULL Cash Course is 5 hours long. We recommend you break up the course into 30 minute sections and schedule time on your calendar to complete each one and then take a break to digest the content before moving on.

  • What is your refund policy?

    Purchases of any Course Service are nonrefundable. Please review the Payment Terms and Conditions for additional information:

  • How do you engage me in these courses?

    We pride ourselves in the way we approach our courses. We provide not only reading and video content, but activities like interactive PDFs, text message threads, simulated experiences and choose your own adventures to apply what you have learned which not only make the information memorable, but fun too!